Saturday, February 28, 2009

berries & butterflies

today i planted 2 blueberry bushes, and a cherry tree that Mike's parents got for us as a Christmas gift. (don't worry, the tree hasn't been sitting around un-planted since December. it was just delivered to us on Thursday). we're also planning to plant raspberries and blackberries in large containers (to prevent spreading & taking over the yard)... and probably some strawberries. i'm totally excited about all of the berries. our blueberry bushes don't look anything like this one yet, but give it a couple of years, and it'll get there. i've been reading up on it - and it turns out it needs acidic soil (which i doubt we have, so we'll be looking for the right fertilizer), and you're supposed to pick off flowers the first year to prevent berries from forming - it encourages the bush to fill out better, and in the long run will allow it to produce more berries. so no blueberries this year, but hopefully enough to share next year! the cherry tree is a semi-dwarf rainier cherry tree. it only gets to be about 10 feet tall, so we'll be able to pick them pretty easily. sounds like a happy situation to me. i love rainier cherries, and they're always SO expensive - it'll be nice to get some for free! :)

we also have a neat herb container garden planned for the back deck, and a butterfly garden planned for the front yard - where all of the ugly rhododendrons are currently blocking the only front window we have on the ground floor. i'm so anxious to get those out of there, and transform that area into a major butterfly magnet! we even have a butterfly bush in the back yard that i want to hack back to a reasonable size and move to the front yard. i've read that they're actually classified as a noxious weed in WA state, so i'm lead to believe that it'll take a good hacking and survive any transplant trauma that might occur.

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